Bridal Packages

Silver Bridal Package

Achieve a radiant wedding day glow with our package, featuring a 15-minute phone consultation, 2 spray tan sessions, hydration spray, travel mousse for touch-ups, and glowing travel lotion. Schedule appointments 2-3 weeks apart for optimal results. Valued over $180.


Gold Bridal Package

Includes a 15-minute consultation, 3 hydrating spray tan sessions, 1 Xtan remover & exfoliating mitt, and two travel-size tan-safe products. Ideal for engagement photos, bachelorette party, and your final bridal tan. Schedule spray tans 2-3 days before events. Valued over $250.


Platinum Bridal Package

Offers a 15-min phone consult and 4 spray tans for engagement photos, bridal shower, bachelorette party, and your wedding day. It includes an exfoliating mitt, Xtan sunless remover, travel-size mousse & mitt (for touch-ups), and full-size tan-safe body wash & lotion. Valued over $375.
